Sunday, May 10, 2015

Starting Fresh

Sometimes we need a fresh start--we have to start over or take a new path. For me, starting fresh has a few different meanings.

1. New beginnings.  Letting go of the past and of all fears of failure.

2. Getting back to basics. Slowing down and letting go of quick conveniences that compromise my health.

3. Focusing on the essentials. Cooking and eating real food that nourishes my body and my soul.

4. Eating local. Trying, whenever possible, to purchase foods from people near me.  This is a win-win.

5. Embracing the day. Knowing each day is a new one, that isn't defined by the choices of the day before.  Each day is a chance to make new, better choices that support my mental and physical health and well-being.

This blog will chronicle my journey to meeting my health, fitness, and overall wellness goals.  I will post recipes, articles, health products, and anything else that contributes to my forward progress.

Here we go!